We are proudly led and held accountable by a former oil executive and chairperson of Bluebonnet Federal Credit Union.
Simply put, we don't believe in locking clients into our services. Our clients stay with us because we help their businesses grow. Simple as that.
Are you thinking about hiring a marketing firm to grow your brand or refresh your business? Looking for something different? As an Akzis VIP client, you should contact us first. You might be surprised at what we can come up with!
Worried about the latest Google update? Concerned, ChatGPT could give your competitors an edge? Contact us, staying up-to-date, is our livelihood.
So do we! That's why we don't work like them. Our pricing is transparent. We don't do sales calls to convince you to spend $8,000 on a new website. You'll get a high-converting site for $500 a month. All of our services have direct pricing on their respective pages.
My name is Julia Hamon and I’m a professional model, actress, and director. I love bringing life to creative ideas and projects of all sorts. I enjoying being on the stage and behind the scenes, in front of a camera and holding it.
For the past several years, I have worked on stages across North America and Europe, discovering the energy and life of cities and countries, and enjoying the interactions between actors and audiences.
In addition to acting, I have trained as a dancer, singer and professional mime. The stage is in my blood, and whenever I encounter a new field or area that interests me, I explore it to its roots.
539 W. Commerce St #4917
Dallas, TX 75208
growth (@) akzisvip.com
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