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Get Your Dental Implant Marketing Strategy Right: 3 Key Factors Your Patients Must Hear For Success

Gerald Wassum

The dental implant market is projected to reach $5.9 billion by 2026, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.8%. Don't give up your share!

Did you know that effective dental implant marketing is a powerful driving force that can bring swathes of potential patients through your doors? The hardest part however is spreading the word.


This is where great content in the form of well-balanced blogs, newsletters, reports, ads, or videos, comes in.


First, the good news...

There are a multitude of people looking for effective solutions to missing teeth right now. While implants haven't always been the preferred option for missing teeth replacement, advances in technology now means that they've fast become a seriously attractive choice for patients. Not only this, but they’re also even more attractive to your bottom line.


Now for the bad news...

Patients looking for missing tooth solutions won't be coming to you unless they know of your existence. Even when they do, they'll need to trust you first. This is what good dental implant marketing does. If executed well, it can bring in a slew of new patients AND present you as the 'go to' dental implant dentist in your area. How's that for a win/win situation?


So just how do you approach dental marketing for best results? Here are 3 key factors to help you make a connection with your target audience.

#1: Getting The Right Message Across

When business owners consider marketing the first thing, they think about are the types of marketing streams they might want to use, e.g., TV advertising, video, PPC, blogs, etc. While it's crucial to get this right, it's even more crucial to consider the message you want to convey.

In other words, it's what you say that's as important to potential clients as where you say it.


So how do you make sure that what you say is appealing?

Simple - consider the fact that you're marketing to the everyday person-on-the-street and not to other industry professionals. In other words, if you can create the message you want to convey in patient-friendly terms, you're halfway there.


Okay, but how do you do that?

Tune into what potential patients really care about. Think about how dental implants will make them feel and how it's going to change their life for the better. So, remember to speak their language and give them exactly what they want.

#2: Spell Out The Cons Of Competing Tooth Replacement Procedures

Often people choose more traditional tooth replacement treatments for the simple reason that it’s ‘better the devil you know'. Your job is to make them open up to other (and, let's face it, better) solutions.


For this reason, you'll need to convince people who are wary of change, that change can be a good thing.

One way to do this is to draw their attention to the disadvantages of conventional forms of tooth replacement when compared to dental implants.

To accomplish this, you might want to include the following points:


The issues associated with other forms of missing teeth replacement – Such as the failure to halt bone loss, embarrassing dental slippage, ongoing replacements, and maintenance, etc.


The cost vs the risk factor – The initial cost of a dental implant is arguably one of the biggest stumbling blocks that prevents people from choosing them. Your job is to get them to see the bigger, long-term picture. Convey the fact that the patient could be taking more of a risk with their overall dental health by opting for other methods of missing teeth replacement. In addition, you might want to also mention that in many cases payments can be spread over several months, so cost really doesn't have to be the single deciding factor.


Predictability vs unpredictability – While dental implants are overall relatively predictable, other treatments, such as root canal therapy, dental bridges, and dentures, can all have unpredictable outcomes for patients. These are factors that patients really need to know.

#3: Promote The Benefits Implants Have Over Their Counterparts

There are many compelling benefits that dental implants have over their counterparts. Factors such as:


  • Convenience
  • Longevity
  • Comfort
  • Improved bite functionality
  • Restored confidence
  • More youthful appearance
  • Improved oral and overall health


Those are all key drivers in the promotion of dental implants over other forms of missing tooth replacement. It's well worth expanding on these and going into more detail but remember to keep it patient-friendly. It's also a good idea to include patient testimonials reiterating some of the above benefits?


So, there you have it, three important rules to delivering effective, patient-friendly, dental implant marketing.

Remember, it's all about getting into the head of your patients and thinking about what resonates with them. What affects them, what they care about, and what they fear. If you can tap into those basic feelings, then you might be well on the way to increased patient numbers and a healthier looking balance sheet. 

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